
Shipping manga from Amazon.co.jp

Amazon.co.jp (Japanese Amazon) ships books, videos, CDs and DVDs overseas.

If you want Amazon.co.jp to ship these products to your country, you have to pay shipping fee (per shipment) and handling fee (300 Japanese Yen per item).

If you buy a book you need to pay the shipping fee and a handling fee. So if you are living in Europe region, it costs:
2700 JPY for shipping + 300 JPY for handling = 3000 JPY

If you buy two books in one shipment, it would be:
2700 JPY + 600 JPY (300 x 2) = 3300 JPY

Shipping rates are: Books, Videos / CDs, DVDs

Asia: 1900 / 1400 JPY
South Asia/Oceania : 2700 / 2000 JPY
North America: 2700 / 1700 JPY
Europe: 3400 / 2700 JPY
South America / Africa / Middle East: 4400 / 3500 JPY

For more information and latest shipping rates, please check Shipping information (in English) page of Amazon.co.jp.

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